
Explorations of mind, paths, and life


Posted on May 4, 2011 - Filed Under Art of Noticing

My workspace changes daily, however I have a few spots that stay somewhat consistent depending on what hat I am wearing. If I take a moment with my home office space I feel eager, encouraged, and contained. I took time to make this space, separate and yet attached to the common areas, surrounded by little tokens of my self-expression, photography or art on my walls, and a new miniature vase I gathered just today. My eyes often fall on the photographs, then the background of my desktop. I often hear nature calling to me from outside, and if windows are open I have the aromas from outside. My space feels comfortable. I love being next to the windows so I can look out and daydream. I especially love the frog who gathers bugs from the windows at night. My space is Lighted, Filled, and MINE. I do notice, despite requests not to judge, that my space needs some organizing. However, I don’t feel fretful but relieved, as I have handled the business of moving through a new month.


One Response to “Workspace”

  1. mamita on May 8th, 2011 8:11 pm

    It looks pretty organized to me and very colorful. It represent a busy mind or a source of scape. The mind needs both.