Posted on January 11, 2010 - Filed Under self reflect
Driving home today I glanced at the clock and noticed it was 5:55, one of those rare times that open up the universe to the gifts of wishing. At 5:55, I was entitled to 5 wishes – the most you could hope for, and in that instant it made no difference to me at all. Where I would usually create a frantic whirlwind of wishfulness – desperate to finish my list before the time changed to 5:56, I instead found myself mindful of the gifts I have been given and turned my 5 wishes into 5 statements of gratitude. If intention is about believing in what you want, believing it is what you have, then I wouldn’t need wishes to make things happen because they already are happening in my life. What is left, is gratitude.
I smiled, and as I turned down the stretch of tall ancient oaks on Errol Parkway I whispered my gratitude to the universe: for my health, my ongoing happiness, my prosperity, the abundance I have been given, and the relationships that mean so much.
5 Responses to “5:55”
Hija mia, for all those gifts to you, I am truly grateful.
You are the gift.
I love this! I'm the same way, frantically trying to wish the wishes before the clock changes.
I really like that. What a relief when desire and clinging turn to gratitude. Keep on enjoying those moments. They are always just a choice away.
Thanks for inspiring me today.
Daniel – thanks for encouraging ME today! I am always in awe when I get a comment on my blog, and then I am content to keep writing. 🙂
I always LOVE when I glance up and see the clock say 1:11 or 2:22 or 3:33 etc : ) I always make a wish! : )