Yeah – The dog likes it!
Posted on July 14, 2009 - Filed Under self reflect
So, part of my new BIKE investment was making sure I had a basket for groceries and/or the dog. On the way home we stopped at Publix and when Gary asked if I wanted to ride my bike the rest of the way there was no hesitation. I guess this is as close to a motorcycle as I will get. So, I rode the 3.1 miles from Publix in roughly 20-25 minutes, grunting through the steep hill up, and arrived safely at home, a bit winded from being out of practice.
OH – did I mention it runs on Apples and Bananas?
My new Silver Blue Raleigh comfort bike is just that, comfortable. As much as my other hybrid bike was enjoyable, I carried a lot of tension in my shoulders from riding – and as far as I can see, who needs more of it. The muscles in my back are like rubber bands – don’t need them any tighter.