
Explorations of mind, paths, and life

Emergence & Distraction

Posted on May 22, 2009 - Filed Under self reflect

It seems that a simple change can be a distraction to all the things piling up on my mind lately.
And the infinite wisdom of the universe opens when ready.
I was stunned by the simple symmetry – sunflowers are one of my favorites. Mom’s garden is full of them at all stages of emergence. Each different in its core, but all the same purpose, same intention, same direction of growth. The inner most parts green and tender, pulling into each other like soft hands protecting a delicate core. The outer rims full of beauty, spreading a certain strength in knowing both its place and its time in the process of emerging. The very edges dancing in their freedom. I could almost get lost in the star-like quality of the inside of a sunflower.
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One Response to “Emergence & Distraction”

  1. Anonymous on May 22nd, 2009 11:12 am

    You are blooming like the sunflower,too, so your beauty shows in every direction.(:-)