
Explorations of mind, paths, and life

WARNING – Moving

Posted on August 17, 2008 - Filed Under self reflect

Well, now that my web-friends are growing, and I am opening up to exposing my blog in more places I have started to have second thoughts about using my full name as the domain. Certainly, you can still get here with my original domain name, but I expect your feeds will have to change (Sorry). The new domain reflects the name of my blog since 2004 – Mind-ful Fun-da-Mentals and I have both domains. http://mindfulfundamentals.com/ and http://mind-ful-fun-da-mentals.com

Please note the NEW RSS FEED will be http://mindfulfundamentals.com/atom.xml
I wanted to start adding connections from other locations but needed to move the blog first. So I hope to expand some features and learn more along the way.

Love you all!


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