
Explorations of mind, paths, and life

Story of an Avoidant Blogger

Posted on May 22, 2008 - Filed Under self reflect

My sister won’t blog. She won’t post a picture. She won’t write a few words. She won’t even get a twitter account and tweet a thought or two. Frankly, (Or Goergely, Mikely, Monically) I have had enough of her shenanigans. Doesn’t she understand that we all crave her insights to tickle us every now and again. I call, we chat, she gives me stories of little bun-buns and swimming under the stars and doesn’t offer anything written. She reminds me to read Dooce, then shamblizes my journalistic interests with her avoidance of “the blog”. Poo Poo! “I’m busy!” HA! Not too busy to read a blog or two. So, that’s it. No more cute puppy-nephew pictures for YOU! I’ll have to cut back on my stories. My sister is officially a bloggeristic scriptophobe! She needs therapy!

Monica has a real knack for inscribing spectacular snapshots of her life in rich creative and consumable facets. If she can’t move to Florida, then she has got to do SOMETHING to keep me entertained. We are too far apart for giggle-fests, movie discussions, and playing monkey. Get with it Missy of I’ll have to cut you off!

Love, Your Sister


One Response to “Story of an Avoidant Blogger”

  1. Monica on May 23rd, 2008 6:40 pm

    HEY!! I’m WORKING on it! Boy will YOU be surprised!